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Integrative Medicine Treatment in Premenstrual Syndrome: A Pilot Service Program

Integrative Medicine Treatment for Premenstrual Syndrome: A Pilot Service Program

Integrative Medical Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine

Faculty of Medicine, CUHK 

Menstrual period is a key physiological feature of child-bearing women. However, some women manifest periodic physical and psychological symptoms prior to their periods that may cause significant disturbance to their everyday work and daily life. These symptoms are called Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). 

PMS involves physical and psychological symptoms, over 150 PMS-related symptoms are recorded. All women who are prior to menopause could be affected by PMS, especially for those aged 25-45. Common symptoms are listed below:

Physical symptoms﹕Headache / Dizziness/ Oral Ulcer/ Edema/ Cramps/ Back pain/ Diarrohea/ Constipation/ Joints pain/ Hives 

Psychological and Behavioural changes: Mood swings/ Depression/ Anxiety/ Irritability/ Sleeplessness

Clinical evidence supports the use of complementary medicine to treat PMS.i It is particularly important for women in whom hormonal therapy is contraindicated. An integrated holistic approach including nutritional supplements or mind-body treatment are some of the examples to be adapted. In fact, a number of studies have demonstrated that Chinese herbal prescriptions and acupuncture are effective for treating PMS.

Chinese medicine regards PMS as a result of the unregulated periodic changes of Qi-Blood environment of women. Prior to each period, Blood pours downwards to the thoroughfare and conception vessels, resulting in the relative deficiency of Qi and Blood over the whole body. PMS-related symptoms could occur for those who have disharmony in Qi and Blood. Stress, overexertion and eating disorders are some common causes of emotional distress, liver Qi depression and kidney Yin deficiency. Chinese Medicine has the role in regulating the disharmony by using herbal remedies or acupuncture in an individualized approach.

You are invited to join our “Integrative Medicine Treatment for Premenstrual Syndrome: A Pilot Service Program” to help ease PMS discomfort. Our Chinese medicine practitioners would use suitable treatment according to your needs throughout the menstrual period.

Patients could also consult dietitian or clinical psychologist for further advice and consultation on PMS.

During the visits of the first three months joining the program, you can enjoy the following services at promotional rates.

Services                                                                                        Charges 

General Consultation  (Including 3 doses of Chinese Medication)  $320

Consultation and Acupuncture Treatment                                        $290 


Date﹕      6/10/2022 to 6/1/2023

Addresses﹕   Shatin - 4L, 4/F, Day Treatment Block, Prince of Wales Hospital

                        Wan Chai - Flat B, 1/F, Southorn Mansion, 1 Luard Road

Reservation and Inquiry﹕  2873 3100 (ST)/ 2873 3053 (WC)/ (e-mail)

(Please mention “Integrative Medicine Treatment for Premenstrual Syndrome: A Pilot Service Program” when you call up) 

* Terms and Conditions:

  • Offer only applies to the service provided by designated Chinese medicine practitioners in the Integrative Medical Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK.
  • This promotional offer is applicable to new patients only.
    • The 3 doses of Chinese Medicine are in concentrated granules or herbal (internal intake) only, extra or precious Chinese Medicine cost are excluded.
    •  Additional doses of Chinese Medicine granules /herbs are charged at $50 per dose (original price at $70),extra or precious Chinese Medicine cost are excluded.
    • This promotional offer is applicable to “Integrative Medicine Treatment for Premenstrual Syndrome: A Pilot Service Program” only. It cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers and discount offers.
    • Integrative Medical Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK reserves the right of final decision.

